Emergency First Aid Fundamentals
Be the first one on the scene with the knowledge and gear to save a life
Service Description
Learn the tools, techniques, and procedures to treat life threatening trauma. Serious bleeding, chest injuries, compromised airway, spinal and head injuries, can take a life in a matter of minutes. Be the support the injured man, woman or child needs between the call to 911 and when they arrive 10 minutes or more from when you called.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
We appreciate the urgency that sometimes occurs in our lives. If you need to reschedule your class, please advise us at least two days prior to the date of the class. We will gladly work to get you registered at a time and date that better suits your life's demands; this is a one-time courtesy. Regrettably cash refunds for unattended sessions is not an option.
Contact Details
Rockford, IL, USA